Saturday, October 4, 2014

cough remedy

My homemade remedy for sore throat and cough. 
Simply delicious.. 
and the best part is it works!
cough syrup never worked on me
if you are like me here is your sweet alternative
sure is a sweet success..anytime :)

wash and then slice 2 lemons and arrange in a glass bottle as in the picture above

wash 6 twigs of rosemary and push them through between the sliced lemons

pour honey slowly into the bottle just enough to cover the lemon completely

leave some room inside the bottle for the liquid to rise up later

put the lid on the bottle and refrigerate for 4 hours

after 4 hours mix the honey with a wooden spoon

scoop from the bottom of the bottle and bring it up

by this time the honey looks like jelly due to the presence of pectin

mix well and the jelly would be diluted

mix 2 spoons of honey into warm water and sip slowly

enjoy the great taste!

keep refrigerated at all times

a word on honey
the many benefits of honey has helped my lungs healed quickly when I was recovering from pneumonia as well
keep it handy in the fridge at all times 
makes excellent substitute for sugar in tea and you will love its great taste :)
always use pure and unprocessed honey

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